Hey! I'm Perry Czopp and I have devoted my life to the pursuit of specialty coffee.
After spending a few discouraging months at a Barnes N' Noble - Starbucks in my teens, I entered the industry in 2009 as a barista at a small independent cafe in mid-town Phoenix. I fell in love with coffee and the people surrounding it during my three year tenure as general manager of the store. Not being fulfilled with 60 hour work weeks, I built my first coffee cart for home and began catering events with it shortly thereafter.
Interested in roasting, I worked at a very high volume company in north Phoenix for two years. This is where I learned the nuances and characteristics of each producing country and roast profile; continuing to expand my love and knowledge of coffee. All the while greatly enjoying adventures to other cafes and roasters around the world; learning, experiencing, and getting inspired by different cities and businesses.
Photo by Jamie Netherland for Sound Coffee
Meanwhile I acted as the community organizer for the coffee scene in Phoenix. My claim to fame was putting together some really fun and eclectic latte art competitions. Additionally, I hosted more intimate cafe tours, brewing, roasting, and tasting classes. Before I knew it, new and existing companies were asking for my assistance with their operations.
Most recently, I spent five life changing weeks working on a coffee farm in Costa Rica in order to get even closer to the bean. Currently, I am a freelance consultant, trainer, and event coordinator for organizations and individuals. I also travel the globe visiting exceptional coffee companies and observing the coffee cultures of different cities to document them in my web series project, "Cofffee Scene".